Non-Surgical Neck Lift

Non-Surgical NeckLift with Botox Cosmetic

Exposure to the elements (photodamage), loss of collagen and elastin, as well as laxity of the platysma neck muscle contributes to the formation of horizontal neck wrinkles and lines.

These horizontal neck lines can be greatly reduced with Botox Cosmetic. While it may require more Botox Cosmetic to treat neck lines than other facial areas, the results should last longer, because there is less muscle movement on the neck. If a patient is diligent in returning for repeat treatments as soon as the effects of the Botox subsides, over time, the etching of the lines may be completely eliminated, acheiving a non-surgical neck lift.

Platysmal Bands: As we age, the platysma neck muscle may become more lax or enlarged. When this happens, vertical ridges or bands may become more pronounced when the muscle is contracted. Botox relaxes the platysma muscle, diminishing the appearance of the bands.

Sagging Neckline

Sagging Neck Before Botox Treatment

Sagging Neck Before Botox Treatment

Partial Correction 1 Week Post Botox Treatment

Partial Correction 1 Week Post Botox Treatment

Full Correction of Sagging Neck 3 Weeks Post Botox Treatment

Full Correction of Sagging Neck 3 Weeks Post Botox Treatment