Radiesse, Restylane, Juvederm

Radiesse, Restylane and Juvederm are FDA-approved products that fill in wrinkles and lines and define facial features such as the nose, cheeks, cheekbones, jaw line and chin.

Radiesse is made up of microscopic calcium particles that are naturally found in bone. Juvederm and/or Restylane are hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a substance we also produce naturally in our body. As we get older, the loss of both hyaluronic acid and collagen causes wrinkles and sagging. Hyaluronic acid plays a vital role in hydrating your skin and replenishing its natural volume.

No allergy skin tests are needed prior to receiving Restylane, Juvederm or Radiesse. They are well-tolerated and offer long lasting results. At Rx Skin Solutions, we will recommend the optimal injectable to achieve your cosmetic goals.

Anti-Aging Radiesse Treatment

Anti-Aging Radiesse Before

Anti-Aging Radiesse Before

Anti-Aging Radiesse After

Anti-Aging Radiesse After

As we age, our lips start turning downward in contrast to relatively younger people, whose lips have a natural upward lift. We used Radiesse to lift the corners of this 40s something woman’s lips. We also used Radiesse to fill the wrinkles in the lower half of her face. Specifically, Radiesse filled the Marrionette Lines (lines that start at corner of mouth and go downward).

Radiesse for under-eye circles and/or hollowness

Nothing gives away age more than your eyes and nothing detracts more from your eyes than unsightly dark shadows. Many of us have deep hollows beneath our eyes that create a dark shadow, often referred to as “circles under the eyes.” This deep hollow beneath the lower eyelid is caused by an inherited deficiency of fat and or bone. Treatment of this type of dark circle requires a great deal of skill.

Sara Ribak is a Certified Specialist and owner of RX Skin Solutions. She is one of the few practitioners trained to use Radiesse to eliminate hollowness/dark circles. Our patients get excellent results with the correct Radiesse treatment. Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by the hollow eye usually takes about 30 minutes.

Radiesse for Cheekbone Contouring

Some people are born with naturally beautiful cheekbones – many of us aren’t. But Radiesse can give you the cheeks you always wanted.

As we age, we start to lose fat in our faces and it is often most noticeable in the cheek area. Radiesse is an ideal filler for adding volume to cheeks because it can be used to treat large surface areas in one procedure. The result is a healthy looking, contoured appearance common in more youthful cheeks.

Radiesse for Nasal Defect Correction and Bridge Augmentation.

Radiesse offers a quick, immediate, non-surgical, non-invasive procedure for nasal contouring that no other filler can provide. Commonly known as non-surgical Rhinoplasty, Radiesse offers a unique composition that is extremely versatile and can build up the bridge of your nose, or camouflage a hump, (straightening your profile); balance an asymmetry, or correct defects and shape the nose tip. And with this injectable filler, you don’t have to wait to see results – they are immediate and long-lasting.

Radiesse for Chin and Jaw line Contouring

Radiesse has also been used very effectively to augment a weak chin and is a non-surgical option to a chin implant. The result is a smoother, firmer chin that complements your other facial features.

Additionally, as skin loses elasticity over time and gravity pulls facial muscles downward, the jaw line is one of the most common facial areas where aging becomes apparent. Radiesse is an excellent choice to re-shape and contour the jaw line and chin. The result is a smoother, firmer jaw line that mirrors the younger-looking appearance of other facial areas treated with Radiesse.

Radiesse for Hand Rejuvenation

Because our hands receive so much exposure, it is one of the first places to start showing visible signs of aging. Natural aging, and exposure to sunlight, causes this appearance. A common occurrence is loss of muscle mass and thinning skin which makes our hands look bony with prominent veins. Sara Ribak uses advanced techniques with Radiesse as an instant fix for hand rejuvenation which helps restore them to a more youthful appearance.

Your Radiesse Consultation

When you meet with Sara Ribak in either of her offices on Long Island, New York or in Manhattan for your Radiesse consultation, she will explain the treatment to you in detail and will assess your skin and your medical history. Sara will ask about any allergies you may have and what, if any, medications you are taking. She will answer all of your questions and determine if you are a good candidate for Radiesse.

Your Radiesse Recovery

Some individuals report swelling and minor bruising which can last up to one week. It is important not to take any aspirin for at least one week prior to your procedure.